The Smoke Stop

Everything you want to know about Marijuana.
Medical Use
How To Grow


Available in: Black, Blue, Red, Green, Grey PLUS CUSTOM STYLES!
All handcrafted and ceramic!


Introducing the HOT BOX, a revolutionary multi-purpose device designed to enhance your herbal vaporizing experience.

Through its innovative design, the HOT BOX allows for a simple, effective and healthier alternative to conventional methods. Patented Hot Box Vapors tile construction and highly engineered heat source allows the HOT BOX to heat-up and sustain its optimal temperature more efficiently. The hot box is one of the easiest vaporizers to use. It is hands free, glass on glass, and works like a charm. The hotbox has it's own internal temperature controls, so it is as easy as plug and play. Simply plug it in, add your tobacco or herbs, and turn it on. Within 2 minutes the Hotbox is ready for you to take your 1st draw of tasty vapor and herbal essence, without inhaling the carcinogenic smoke created by using a traditional smoking device which requires the burning of the plant material.

Proudly Manufactured in the U.S.A. by HOT BOX VAPORS!

Watch this video Dank Squad Interview..

Make Butter with your Marijuana Remnants from Vaping!